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5 Tips for keeping small spaces tidy

Living in a small apartment or a tiny house can be frustrating at times. We often sacrifice space for proximity to great cafes, good restaurants and that enviable city lifestyle. After living in a shoebox apartment in New York City for two years I came up with some tips and tricks for keeping a small space neat and tidy.

Image source: My Paradissi

1. Everything has its place

It may sound simple and obvious that everything in your home should have a place, but how many of us have a ‘junk drawer’ or ‘crap cupboard’ where we store a bunch of items that we don’t really need? When living in small spaces every square inch is vital and needs to be used to its full capacity. Make sure you have places for all items in your home and anything that you don’t really need or don’t know what to do with – bin it or donate it to charity!

2. Buy those storage containers!

Have you ever looked at those pantries on Pinterest with the labeled storage containers and thought ‘How do these people do it?’ Well that could be you! You can pick up plastic or woven containers from the $2 shop extremely cheap and labeling them takes about two minutes. It’s the mere act of going out to purchase said containers that is the biggest hurdle. Once you have organised your pantry, bathroom or laundry cupboard into relevant sections you will find you have so much more space physically and mentally.

Image Source: The Home Edit

3. The 'one in one out' rule

It is as simple as the title suggests: If you bring one item into your home, you must remove one item at the same time. The ‘one in one out’ rule allows homes to stay clutter free and avoids items building up over time. By implementing this rule you also save time down the track when dedicating entire days to cleaning out the clutter in your home. Try it for a while and see how you go!

4. Double duty furniture

When you have a small space, picking furniture items that are functional is key! There are some great options on the market at the moment for furniture that doubles as storage. Beds are the most common item to have built-in storage, but also think about ottomans, coffee tables and banquet seating. Being able to store blankets or seasonal wardrobe items away in furniture makes for tidier and more organised cupboard space.

Image Source: Domino

5. Take a step back

Sometimes we just need to take a step back and have a look at our living spaces from a different perspective. We are constantly going through the motions in our homes that we often forget to step back and see what the space looks and feels like to others. Notice how the atmosphere of the space; does it feel open and airy or cluttered and claustrophobic? Are the shelves lined with a collection of homewares you are no longer fond of and are your cupboards bursting at the seams? Take some time to really look at your space and let it tell you what needs changing.


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